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All items tagged with: 'snippets'

RSS feed for this tag.

16-07-2024 18:30515OpenSSL get entire certificate chain from a domain or loop over entire chain in file
11-07-2024 23:39512Using nodeSelector to deploy a Kubernetes Helm chart only on x86/amd64 nodes, not arm64
22-02-2022468Execute a script in a Yocto package on every image build
09-02-2022465Log all Item properties and functions in Qml
09-02-2022464Loop over all Repeater items or Delegate's in Qml
04-10-2021457Render markdown in a Qt QML Text or TextEdit control
23-05-2021446Exclude lines in less (or journalctl)
05-04-2021441Run one specific clang-tidy check on your entire codebase
17-03-2021439Record your Linux Desktop with ffmpeg and slop to any format
25-02-2021437QT / QML Signals and Slots with C++
26-08-2020416Get all SSH public keys from gitlab
25-08-2020415Get number of incoming connections on specific port with ss
18-07-2020410C++ Remove leading or trailing characters from std::string
07-11-2019393std::string to lowercase or uppercase in C++
23-10-2019392std::accumulate in C++
02-10-2019391Send commands or input to a detached screen session
14-07-2019387Bash bits: find has a -delete flag
12-07-2019386Only zero is false, everything else is true in C++
25-06-2019383connman operstate list
22-06-2019382C++ template definitions in a .cpp file (instead of a header file)
17-06-2019381C++ create and write to a CSV file with a variadic template
08-06-2019378C++ variadic template recursive example
07-06-2019377C++ create and write to a CSV file
23-05-2019375Match dig server with systemd-resolvd server
07-05-2019373Bash Bits: Find all files containing specific text (and remove them)
06-05-2019372Bash Bits: Randomize a cronjob to run between 00:00 and 06:00 hours
05-05-2019371Bash Bits: Check if a program is installed
02-04-2019366Where is dropbearconvert on Ubuntu?
26-02-2019360Get a JSON value with bash and sed
17-10-2018351Find files in tar archives and extract specific files from tar archives
03-09-2018348tping - ping with a timestamp
23-07-2018343Send email with multiple inline images via bash with a loop
19-04-2018325Ansible - add apt_key inline
11-04-2018322Synergy, no mouse cursor on Ubuntu 17.10
10-04-2018321FreeIPA DNS workaround for DNS zone [...]. already exists in DNS and is handled by server(s):
04-03-2018312haproxy: restrict specific URLs to specific IP addresses
09-04-2017303Check HTTP status code for a page on all DNS records
05-03-2017299Traceroute IPv6 to Smokeping Target config
25-09-2016291Firefox History stats with Bash
23-09-2016290Create /etc/shadow crypted password entries
08-09-2016284Ansible - create playbooks and role file and folder structure
11-01-2016265Deborphan cleanup until no more orphaned packages left
14-07-2015252Find all services using libssl to restart after an OpenSSL update
04-01-2015222Get all IP ranges from an AS number
31-12-2014221pfSense allow web interface access on WAN from specific IP
29-12-2014218Arch Linux AUR PKGBUILD generate new checksums
01-09-2014189Get the current or all Firefox tab urls in Bash
06-07-2014184CentOS 5 CA Certificate Bundle Update
28-06-2014183Traceroute to Smokeping Target config
14-03-2014168OS X: Remove all Apple Remote Dekstop settings
18-01-2014156Remove unused CentOS/Red Hat kernels
30-12-2013153Bash Bits: Simple command line arguments
15-12-2013147Apache access/error log to syslog
12-12-2013144haproxy: set specific ssl ciphers
11-12-2013143haproxy: add strict transport security or any other http header
10-12-2013142haproxy: ssl backends
09-12-2013141haproxy: redirect to ssl or other website
02-11-2013135Corosync Notes
28-10-2013134Remove unused Ubuntu kernels
09-10-2013131OpenSSL One liner to create self signed certificate
21-09-2013127Bash Bits: Check if item is in array
18-09-2013126Bash Bits: Add colour output to your script
15-09-2013125Bash Bits: Debug Logging
14-09-2013124Bash Bits: Trap Control C (SIGTERM)
03-09-2013122OS X - Enable access for assistive devices via the command line
14-08-2013119OpenVZ dnsmasq set capabilities failed fix
26-07-2013114OpenSSL - Generate Psuedo Random Passwords
10-07-2013109OS X: Disable Notification Center
27-06-2013107Strip all non-ascii characters from a file
26-06-2013105Bash Incremental History Search / Autocomplete
04-06-2013100OS X - Turn Bonjour off or on via the command line
03-06-201399OS X - Turn off sleep from the command line
10-05-201396OS X: Turn firewall on or off from the command line
02-05-201391Join Mac OS X to an Active Directory / OpenDLAP directory from the commandline
13-04-201389HP ILO - Quickly gather ILO version and firmware information via CURL
13-03-201382NGINX: Hide / Block .git and .svn folders
13-03-201381NGINX: Catch all error codes
10-02-201373Systemd rosetta / cheatsheet
09-02-201372OpenSSL Generate CSR non-interactive
09-02-201371OpenSSL match certificate and private key
02-02-201370Munin - Fix MySQL plugin on Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 6
31-01-201369Munin - Set up the NGINX status plugin on Ubuntu 12.04
28-01-201368Exploring /proc/ - tips and tricks for the procfs
23-01-201367Fix CentOS IPTables rule saving (iptables: Saving firewall rules to /etc/sysconfig/iptables: /etc/init.d/iptables: line 274: restorecon: command not found)
23-01-201366OpenSSL one liner to get expiry date from SSL Certificate of any website
05-12-201255Set OS X hostname from the commandline
06-09-201241Correctly grep and display the uptime, load average and amount of users
09-07-201236Postfix snippets - not finished
16-05-201232Bash - do something in every subdirectory
01-01-201227Some Bash and Arch Tweaks
14-09-200812Bash script for massive rename to numbers
08-07-200811Javascript tricks
15-06-200810Convert FLV's to MP3
03-02-20088Bash ja/nee keuze
29-11-20077Imagemagick thumbnailer
01-01-20076Vim Cheatsheet