This is a text-only version of the following page on --- Title : What does cost to run? Author : Remy van Elst Date : 27-09-2020 URL : Format : Markdown/HTML --- Inspired by recent articles from [Kev Quirk][3], [Horst Gutmann][4] and [Jan-Lukas][5] where they do a cost breakdown of their sites, I decided to do one as well. Kev is around USD 30, Horst is around USD 13 and Jan-Lukas is around 5 USD. Their breakdowns are interesting, from specific wordpress plugins to CDN or DNS costs. I don't have those, but I do have a multitude of small servers running this site, which add up to around USD 20, adding up two domain names gives me around USD 22 per month. It could be a lot cheaper, I only need one server for the gigantuous amounts of static HTML this site consists of, but I do have around [10.000][7] unique visitors each day, so having redundancy is nice. If I would go all cheap, this site would cost me no more than 2 USD a month including the domain name, but that would take the fun out of it. This site is generated with my self-written open source static site generator named [ingsoc][2] (named after 1984). The hosting therefore consists of just [simple VPS servers][6], running some form of Linux or BSD that I can manage with Ansible. The [VPS servers][99] don't need many resources, 2 GB of disk and 128 MB of RAM is enough, all of the current servers have better specs because nobody sells low end VPSes anymore. After the first sale of the fun was gone there, I used to be very active on the site and forum there.

Recently I removed all Google Ads from this site due to their invasive tracking, as well as Google Analytics. Please, if you found this content useful, consider a small donation using any of the options below. It means the world to me if you show your appreciation and you'll help pay the server costs:

GitHub Sponsorship

PCBWay referral link (You get $5, I get $20 after you've placed an order)

Digital Ocea referral link ($200 credit for 60 days. Spend $25 after your credit expires and I'll get $25!)

I sometimes write updates on new changes in ingsoc, those articles can be found [here][1]. Here is a list of `How much does my site cost me` articles I found and enjoyed: - [Kev Quirk][3] - [Guillermo Garron][9] - [Horst Gutmann][4] - [Jan-Lukas][5] - [Hyde][10] (dedicated server, wow) - [Roland Szabo][11] - [Gregory Hammond][12] - [Alex Lueken][13] ### Cost breakdown This site uses multiple servers spread around the world. The up to date list [can be found on the Cluster Status page][6] and as of now also has the monthly cost of the servers.
ServiceMontly Cost
VPS (6)USD 20 (EUR 8.70 + USD 9.30, conversion rate varies)
Domain (2)EUR 2
I use two domain names, one for the site (``) and one for the servers (``, stands for Sparkling Network). Both domain names cost me EUR 12.50 a year. The servers vary, I like to play with other providers, but I keep it less than 20 USD per month. There are no other costs, no seperate DNS hosting, no CDN, no wordpress plugins, none. This site does use [github][8] as a middleman for the servers to do their hourly checkout, but that is optional. Whenever I do an update, my scripts place the content as well. The fallback via github is for either the initial checkout or when a server has been offline for a while. [1]: /s/tags/ingsoc.html [2]: /s/software/ingsoc.html [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: /s/software/Sparkling_Network.html [7]: /s/inc/img/hits-2018.png [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: --- License: All the text on this website is free as in freedom unless stated otherwise. This means you can use it in any way you want, you can copy it, change it the way you like and republish it, as long as you release the (modified) content under the same license to give others the same freedoms you've got and place my name and a link to this site with the article as source. This site uses Google Analytics for statistics and Google Adwords for advertisements. You are tracked and Google knows everything about you. Use an adblocker like ublock-origin if you don't want it. All the code on this website is licensed under the GNU GPL v3 license unless already licensed under a license which does not allows this form of licensing or if another license is stated on that page / in that software: This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . Just to be clear, the information on this website is for meant for educational purposes and you use it at your own risk. I do not take responsibility if you screw something up. Use common sense, do not 'rm -rf /' as root for example. If you have any questions then do not hesitate to contact me. See for details.